Disclaimer: This experimental AI-powered chatbot may produce factual errors, consider checking responses. Do not submit personal or identifying information. Activity may be recorded.  CCDS Privacy policy. A Koshi project.

Sample questions (copy and paste into Smartbot)

For Prospective Parents:

  • What’s the school culture and environment like?
  • 学校的文化和环境是怎样的?
  • What programs and activities does the school offer?
  • How do I make arrangements to visit the school?
  • What is the process for applying to the school?
  • Is the middle school separate from the elementary school?

For Parents of Current Students:

  • What’s the current dress code?
  • How do I contact my child’s teacher?
  • Who teaches middle school science?
  • Can you provide information about after-school programs?
  • How can I stay updated on my child’s academic progress?

For Older Students:

  • What clubs and extracurricular activities can I join?
  • How can I access my grades?
  • What resources are available for homework help?
  • What are the requirements for graduation?
  • Can you provide information about college prep resources?

For Teachers and Staff:

  • What are the main school policies I need to be aware of?
  • How can I reserve a room or facility for an event?
  • What is the procedure for reporting student progress?
  • How do I access the school’s resources and teaching tools?
  • Can you help me find professional development opportunities?

For Administrators:

  • What measures are in place to support social-emotional learning?
  • How do we close the achievement gap for our socioeconomically disadvantaged students?
  • What are the procedures for communicating with staff about important updates?
  • How do we measure and promote a sense of belonging?
  • How can parents get involved with the Board of Directors?